Friday, April 5, 2013

Save Bangladesh!

"Radical Islamists yesterday kept marching towards Dhaka from different parts of the country, defying blockades and hartal amid a tense situation. 
Infuriated by what they say is obstructions by the government, Hefajat-e Islam, organiser of today’s long march, is set to announce the next course of action to realise its 13-point demand"
The thirteen demands are:
1. Reinstate the phrase “Absolute trust and faith in the Almighty Allah” in the constitution as one of the fundamental principles of state policy 
2. Pass a law providing for capital punishment for maligning Allah, Islam and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and smearing campaigns against Muslims 
3. Stop all propaganda and “derogatory comments” about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by the “atheist leaders” of the Shahbagh movement, bloggers and other anti-Islamists; arrest them and ensure stern punishment to them 
4. Stop attacking, shooting, killing and persecuting the Prophet-loving Islamic scholars, madrasa students and people united by belief in Allah 
5. Release all the arrested Islamic scholars and madrasa students 
6. Lift restrictions on mosques and remove obstacles to holding religious programmes 
7. Declare “Qadianis” (Ahmadiyyas) non-Muslim and stop their publicity and conspiracies 
8. Stop foreign cultural intrusions including free-mixing of men and women and candlelit vigils, and put an end to adultery, injustice, shamelessness, etc in the name of freedom of expression and individuality.
9. Stop turning Dhaka, the city of mosques, into a city of idols, and stop setting up sculptures at intersections, colleges and universities 
10. Scrap anti-Islam women policy and education policy and make Islamic education mandatory from primary to higher secondary levels 
11. Stop threatening and intimidating teachers and students of Qawmi madrasas, Islamic scholars, imams and khatibs 
12. Stop creating hatred among young generations against the Muslims by misrepresentation of Islamic culture in the media 
13. Stop anti-Islam activities by NGOs, evil attempts by Qadianis and conversion by Christian missionaries at Chittagong Hill Tracts and elsewhere in the country

This all sounds like a joke to me. Bangladesh is a country of 158 million people, of which 10.3% consist of minority groups of Hindus, Buddhists and Christians. The percentage may sound insignificant, but this represents a whopping 1.6 MILLION people in Bangladesh. Religious fundamentalists vandalised nine idols in three different Hindu temples yesterday. But violence will only beget violence, and tolerance begets tolerance. How dare they want to impose Islamic education and jurisprudence in our country where generations of people from different religions and different ideologies have lived side by side in tolerance and cultural diversity. And Khaleda Zia should know that an Islamic government would never let her run for prime minister-ship for being a woman. The hypocrisy is blatantly obvious. 

"Activists of the 23 organisations who have been enforcing the 24-hour hartal since last evening kept their presence at 20 points in the city." 
"Ruling Awami League men were also instructed to remain vigilant at different parts to assist the law enforcers to thwart any attempt of subversive activitiesMany activists of BNP-Jamaat-led 18-party alliance that has already extended support to the long march to cash in on people’s religious sentiments may join Hefajat’s rally."
And cashing in they are. The hartal has blocked transport networks, and yet the Islamists have been able to hire vehicles to reach their destination. Clearly the opposition BNP and Jamaat are paying these youngsters off. Imran H Sarkar, the convener of Gonojagoron Mancha, has requested for a peaceful meeting to settle differences between the groups but the Islamists have said they will not negotiate with an atheist. This, in my opinion, has reached the pinnacle of bigotry, and I blame the government for stirring emotions and not handling the situation responsibly!

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